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Horse Power

Chief and Commander


Today would be my Dad’s 101st birthday, He’s surely smiling down as Eamon and the boys harnessedup this team to feed the heifers. We have a lot of snow, but it’s been warm, making the snow “boggy.” We got tired of stuck tractors, so Eamon found this beautiful team of Percherons, Chief and Commander. We still have harnesses from the days when we used to feed with Fran and Chub. Eamon, Bubba, Chandler, Tiarnan and Rhen harnessed them, hooked them up to the sled, and fed the heifers, just like in the old days. They didn’t get stuck! Happy birthday, Dad!

Chandler and Bubba harnessing, Rhen supervising.


getting ready to go to work


Eamon driving across the Battle Creek bridge

heifers following the sled

outriders Chandler, Rhen and Bubba



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