
12 Sep

Our ace-number-one camptender, Pepe, has gone to Peru for a family visit, and maybe even a tour of Europe with his sister, who is a doctor in Italy. That means that Meghan is now the number one camptender, with me filling in as number two. Luckily, we also have some backups.

Maeve and Rhen helping with the water barrel

Maeve and Rhen helping with the water barrel

Maeve and Barbie on the truck

Maeve and Barbie on the truck

Rhen and Maeve

Rhen and Maeve

Maeve and Jaime unloading the truck

Maeve and Jaime unloading the truck

Siobhan siphoning water for Avencio

Siobhan siphoning water for Avencio

Seamus holding the hose for the water barrel

Seamus holding the hose for the water barrel

ewes on Bridger Peak

ewes on Bridger Peak

sheep on Victoria meadow

sheep on Victoria meadow

Maeve on the run

Maeve on the run on the Fireline Stock Driveway


There’s a story about the Fireline Stock Driveway. I don’t know if it’s true. The Forest Service had hired a crew to cut the Driveway, which served the dual purpose of cutting a line for fire fighting purposes, and providing a route for the many thousands of sheep trailing from the Red Desert and Great Basin to the summer grazing around Hahn’s Peak and Rabbit Ears. The word came down that the logging crew was doing some illegal logging on the side, so they hired my grandfather to investigate. The next word was that he had gone to work on the logging crew for good wages. As I said, I don’t know if it’s true.



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