This fall when the work’s all done…

17 Nov
Cows and calves in the Lower Meadow

Cows and calves in the Lower Meadow

It’s that time of year when we bring in the livestock–the cows and calves, the ewes and lambs–the time when we finish our summer’s work and prepare for the winter season. We sell most of the calves, and send many  of the cows to less snowy pastures for the winter. Some of the cows will go to our friends’ ranch near Laramie (where the snow is horizontal rather than vertical), Some will go to Nebraska. This means we bring them all in to the Home Ranch, work them, and load some of them on trucks.

First, we need horses

First, we need horses

Ready to bring them in

Ready to bring them in

And we need a crew--Eamon

And we need a crew–Eamon

Meghan and Peruanito

Meghan and Peruanito

Siobhan and Taylor

Siobhan and Taylor

McCoy checking things out

McCoy checking things out

Rhen on the job

Rhen on the job

Megan and Jeff

Megan and Jeff


Our neighbor John may be a belts and suspenders kind-of-guy

Our neighbor John may be a belts and suspenders kind-of-guy

calf on the lookout

calf on the lookout

ready to load

ready to load

Rhen supervising the truck

Rhen supervising the truck

Eamon watching the calves

Eamon watching the calves



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